Press Release29/04/2022

New Board of Directors MCXess

Marcel has, together with Onno, Frank and the entire team, realised a worldwide phone number portfolio, easy to use and extensive call routing solutions and offered these online with real-time provisioning in a fully service portal where customers are in control.
The inbound telephony proposition is a healthy base, will remain an important pillar in the strategy of MCXess, and with the nomination of the Board of Directors a couple of new pillars will be added to the strategy and identity.

MCXess Microsoft Gold Featured N
Press Release10/04/2022

Why MCXess Became a Microsoft Gold Partner

The services from MCXess (Numbers, call routing and calling) already connected natively to MS Teams, but with this partnership MCXess wil be able to take a step further and support their customers with the implementation in the customer’s MS Teams environment.