Customer Satisfaction Survey
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Call Flow Template for a Customer Satisfaction Survey


The Customer Satisfaction Survey is one of the templates available in Custom. It is a prebuild flow which can be used as a starting point for your own flow or as an example / inspiration for your own creation.

Immediately address topics of importance, rather than waste time and valuable resources on areas of little or no concern.

Compare results:
Surveys results provide a snapshot of the attitudes and behaviours – including thoughts, opinions, and comments – about your target survey population. This valuable feedback is your baseline to measure and establish a benchmark from which to compare results over time.

Functional Description

The Template contains a series of multiple choice, rating and open questions. By re-arranging the questions it is easy to create any questionnaire fitting your goals.

The Customer Satisfaction Survey is a flow which enables you to gather feedback on for instance your performance. Customer surveys can provide valuable input for your roadmap and customer service organisation.

Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Survey

Caller Experience

1. Welcome

First a welcome message is played. This should be a clear, to-the-point and friendly message welcoming the caller and short to the point instructions how to take the survey. Try to avoid lengthy explanations and above all commercial messages.

2. Ask the Questions

There are 3 types of questions available to offer your caller:

  • Multiple choice – Offer a couple of options and ask the caller to make a choice by pressing the corresponding number.
  • Rating – Ask the caller to rate the performance of a topic
  • Open question – Ask the caller to leave an audio message

The template has default the following sequence (but can be  adjusted to any preferred sequence):

Question 1: Multiple choice
Question 2: Rating
Question 3: Multiple choice
Question 4: Rating
Question 5: Multiple choice
Question 6: Rating
Question 7: Open

3. Closing Instructions

The survey ends with an audio message for instance to thank the caller for their participation. All results wil be gathered and presented in a report.

The Results

All the results of the survey will be available in a report. All the results per call are presented in a single row. Whether the questions are multiple choice, ratings or open questions. The report is downloadable for further analysis and the audio files are click to play.
